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Servers moved

Yesterday I moved all the servers to a new rack.

This caused a downtime of about 2 hours.

Twitter is using Drupal

nice ;-)


Since we are running a lot of virtual Servers we definitely need a directory server.

I've never set up an ldap server but my goal is to have it running by Saturday.

Apache2 as a Reverse Proxy

Currently I'm fighting against Apache do make it work as a reverse proxy(gateway).

At the moment I have the problem that the URL is changed somehow like: ->

This is quite weird and I was not able to find a solution so …

Smash it!

Nice ;-)

Firefox 5 is here

git global config

I need this very often (for every new box):

git config --global "your name"
git config --global "your emailid"

Change default shell in FreeBSD

To change the default shell in FreeBSD for some user simply:

pw usermod user_name -s /usr/local/bin/bash

20 Jahre Linux: Linus Torvalds und Greg Kroah-Hartman

Server name

|server nmae|

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