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FreeNAS crashes

First of all: I love FreeNAS! ;-)

But one customer had a weird problem, sometimes the FreeNAS Host (running on VMware ESXi) crashed and there was no error message at the console.

Today  I found a solution/workaround for this problem.|image0|

Just disable "Send files with sendfile(2)" and the …

Use latest Firefox/Thunderbird in Debian

A post on this morning showed me the right way to install Iceweasel (Firefox) and Icedove (Thunderbird) in the latest version in Debian.

Very nice!

Livestream politcamp-de

Free live streaming by Ustream

BSDtalk about FreeNAS

Interesting BSDtalk about FreeNAS:

Xorg emulation of 3rd mouse-button

Yesterday I switched from Debian Squeeze to Fedora 15 (XFCE-spin).

The first thing i recognized was that the 3rd mouse-button is not emulated anymore, since I'm using the Logitech Marble Mouse (a trackball with 2 main-buttons) I really need to have some 3rd mouse-button emulated.

A quick search through the …

Convert FAT32 to NTFS

Sometimes its required to convert a FAT32 volume to NTFS.

It can be done with one single command (from Windows):

convert c: /fs:ntfs

Install a list of packets with yum

Today I installed two new CentOS machines for a customer.

It was required to install exact the same packages on these boxes that were installed on another system that was already in use.

I've never done this before and looked into the manpage of yum but was not able to …

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